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View Full Version : Subtle news bias?

06-23-2016, 10:39 AM
I happened to walk into the bedroom as Lynn was getting ready for work this morning and she was listening to the news (Good Morning America - ABC). They were showing a live shot from the Capitol and a reporter was reporting on the stand-off in Congress last night. The newscaster in the studio (Robin Roberts, a known Democrat) then asked the reporter if there was any sign the Republicans were going to give in and go along with the Democrat's wishes. WTF???? I really thought it odd the way she worded that question. Couldn't she have asked if there was any sign the DEMOCRATS were going to give in to the REPUBLICAN'S wishes? I have no problem with Robin Roberts, but she's close to the Obamas and definitely a Liberal, so I thought that question just sounded hokey as all get-out when I heard it. It went right over Lynn's head and she couldn't understand my frustration. To ME, it stuck out like a sore thumb. To many, I doubt they even batted an eye. Whatever ...

Big Muddy
06-23-2016, 11:26 AM
Robin Roberts???....and, you expected differently of her???....just saying. ;)

06-23-2016, 12:25 PM
Hey, I wan't watching, I simply walked into the room. At least it wasn't "The View". I want to throw my shoe through the screen when that show is on. :angry1

06-23-2016, 01:13 PM
I find the 'news' bias to be anything but subtle. I can guarantee how a story will be reported based on the news channel that is reporting it.