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07-28-2016, 07:09 PM
Ha! Just a play on words, sorry. :D

The title should read something more like "Getting Old Sucks Big Weenies" ... or something similar.

I mentioned here earlier that during the past few years, I've started experiencing a bit of memory loss. It was the normal stuff at first, but it seems to be getting progressively worse ... until Lynn finally called my (VA) doctor to discuss it. The thing I have not mentioned here is that I've been going through a bit of mild depression also. Not too terribly much, but more like (IMO) feeling sorry for myself in some ways. I've sold off all my guns and no longer hunt. I couldn't tell you the last time I went fishing. Not that I'm much of a fisherman, but I used to make regular trips to Canada for a week or two of walleye/Northern Pike fishing. That all came to a stop after my illness. I have a shed that's stuffed full ... riding mower, weed eaters, weed whackers, blowers, various garden tools, etc. BUT ... for the last 8 years, I've actually been paying somebody to do the yard for me. I have a pool that's nothing but a catfish pond these days. Although I owned a pressure cleaning company for 20 years, my house is turning green and getting covered with cobwebs. The driveway, walks and pool deck are a nice basic black these days. I'm a lot like P-hole in that I can't STAND paying someone else to do something I can do myself, but I'm simply not capable any more. Heck, I even have a toilet with a wax ring that's leaking and I can't lift the toilet to replace it! It's SUPER frustrating. The list goes on and on, I'm just no longer capable of doing many things I've always done myself and I keep putting it off due to pure stubbornness. I LOVE traveling ... but I absolutely HATE traveling like a "normal" tourist ... but I've been relegated to "old fart cruises" and short weekend trips to some nearby beach resort. I no longer remove my shirt in public as my front side looks like I was set on fire and someone put me out with a pitchfork. My back looks like I 'rassled an alligator ... and LOST! I'm weak and in constant pain ... no more hiking the jungles of Burma or the mountains of Laos or purchasing a small boat from a villager for a crazy trip down the Mekong while sleeping in little village huts along the way. :(

Add the fact I'm getting grayer/balder, fatter, fuglier, I dribble pee in my pants and my dick quit getting hard ... well, you get the picture. I'm getting old and take a boatload of frigging pills on a daily basis just to keep things working properly ... or as well as possible anyway. WTF is there to be depressed about?

Anyway, I met with a Psychologist a couple weeks ago who pretty much "evaluated" me, then told me there were enough red flags that she ordered an MRI of my brain and set up an appointment with a team of Geriatric Psychologists (hence today's appointment). I went through a half day of interviews and testing ... the determination? With the physical/mental signs and verification of the MRI, I have "White Matter Disease"! "WTF IS THAT", I asked? It was explained to me and it shows on the MRI .... BUT, they told me not to worry too much about it as a lot of "OLD FARTS" get it and it's a fairly normal part of the aging process. I then asked if ALL old farts experience it and was told, well, no, not persactly ... but again was told no to worry too much about it. THEN they said they're going to recommend I see a psychiatrist to address the depression and most likely start on some MILD medication to help me. I fought that a bit, but between the docs and Lynn, was convinced to go through with it. Oh, I forgot to mention I've had a bit of a short fuse the past year or so and go from zero to about elebenty-bazillion on the "pissed off-o-meter" rather easily. It seems this is part of the "white matter disease" as well as general frustration and depression that I'm going through. They're going to contact me with an appointment date.

Well, damn, this is turning into a "Thump post", sorry ... but I guess laying it all out there among long-term friends is a bit of therapy for me. If'n you want to learn sumpin' new, here's what "white matter disease" means. Wow, that's exciting, I'm now an official Pumphead with White Matter Disease! Sheeesh! Where does it end? :(


07-28-2016, 08:14 PM
Thump! No way you could write that^.and be a Pump head!!!!......You are brilliant dude!

Me an Lynn coming to see you!!!

quercus alba
07-28-2016, 08:37 PM
It's like I told my wife, the sad part is not that I can't do the things I used to do, but that I don't even want to do a lot of them. I feel for you bud, hope the meds and therapy take. I hope this place is as therapeutic for you as it is for me

07-28-2016, 09:14 PM
Dang Thump. I know all to well how depression is so I hope you get to feeling better soon. You've got us morons, anyway.

For memory. I feel ya. Trust me. You might want to try a product called Nerium EHT. Shit works big time. My long and short term recall got way better.

Anyway, not trying to be Johnny Raincloud here, this is about you! :)

07-28-2016, 09:16 PM
Well, we already knew you were an old fart.

But allow me to get sentimental for a minute. Or maybe a couple minutes.

You've had more shit shoveled onto your plate than the next ten peole behind you on the all time list. And its been life threatening and incredibly painful and the road back has been a long one.

But you know what? Through all of that you have kept the very best part of you showing to all of us. And sometimes I think we all take for granted just how tough an old hide that you really are to have pulled it off. But regardless of all those white, dead brain cells you killed off in your life that are fogging up the MRI pictures, your character has survived 100% in tact.

Viva la Pumphead!


07-28-2016, 09:40 PM
Well, we already knew you were an old fart. But allow me to get sentimental for a minute. Or maybe a couple minutes. You've had more shit shoveled onto your plate than the next ten peole behind you on the all time list. And its been life threatening and incredibly painful and the road back has been a long one. But you know what? Through all of that you have kept the very best part of you showing to all of us. And sometimes I think we all take for granted just how tough an old hide that you really are to have pulled it off. But regardless of all those white, dead brain cells you killed off in your life that are fogging up the MRI pictures, your character has survived 100% in tact. Viva la Pumphead! BKb

Well said.
My thoughts exactly!

07-29-2016, 08:49 PM
Man, that sorta hits hard there Thumper. You were the first dufe I met after Al invented the Internet, and we have had some great times gator hunting and getting kicked out of bars.
I hope they get you on the mend! You need to figure out a way to get to the SC farm for a few days.