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View Full Version : Any Photoshop experts here?

07-30-2016, 09:54 AM
I received this in an email and it's titled "Curbside Justice", so who knows? At first glance, it was a funny, faked clip. BUT, I couldn't help but continue watching it and trying to pick up on how it was made. The more I looked, the more real it started to appear. What gives me doubts is how fast the guy was thrown backwards, that just screams Photoshop to me. I know horses are powerful animals, but as fast as he went flying through the air, it just doesn't look real. Here's what DOES look real though:

1) When the horse kicks, it appears the officer is thrown forward slightly.
2) When the horse sets his foot back down on the street, it is farther rearward than where it was just before the kick.
3) The van rocks violently when the man hits it.
4) After he hits the ground, you can see the van window is shattered.

If it's fake (which most emails are), someone went to a lot of detail to make it look believable. If it's real, man that was a powerful kick that must have caught that guy in the perfect spot to send him flying like that ... PLUS, I'm sure he ended up in the hospital (deservedly so) with some broken ribs and possibly internal injuries. What'cha think?


07-30-2016, 11:48 AM
Never walk behind a HORSE!.....but yea Thump/ looks like they used adobe after effects/ or some other sw.

07-30-2016, 12:04 PM
He's lucky that wasn't a mule.


07-30-2016, 12:14 PM
He's lucky that wasn't a mule.


Yep^...even Festus Haggen will tell you that...


Edit: or was that a jackass?

07-30-2016, 12:17 PM
Hey! We know somebody who knows Ken Curtis personally! And William Shatner and Richard Harris too!


Big Skyz
07-30-2016, 12:39 PM
It's a seen out of Mall a Cop 2 and yes it's cgi.

07-30-2016, 01:20 PM
I've seen police horse do that in person. The effects just weren't as dramatic.

About 20 years ago we had the leader of the most active KKK groups in the country living locally and the local group was large and active, holding rallies in every county in the area. I was on the SWAT team at the time so we had to work all of them. At one of them an anti-klan protester got a little out of control and took a swing at one on the mounted units. The officer got his horse to give a well placed kick and dropped the guy breaking his collar bone.

07-30-2016, 01:22 PM
I always wanted a mule.

07-30-2016, 01:30 PM
I tried to pet one of the horses of a mounted police officer in New Orleans and almost got a nasty bite and did get a cussing from the cop.

The cops ain't too friendly on Canal Street in New Orleans. Of course, if I had to put up with the shit they do I prolly would be curmudgeonly too. I've visited several times both at mardi Gras and non-Mardi Gras and they were surly every time.


07-30-2016, 02:34 PM
Lynn were just talking about another possible NO trip in the future. I've prolly been there 15 times in my lifetime ... maybe 5 times with Lynn. My first time was in college. We were in my buddy's brand new GTO (his h/s graduation gift from his (obviously wealthy) parents). He had his dad's Playboy Key Card ... we parked, went into the club and it only took about 10-15 mins. to determine it wasn't exactly what we were looking for. We left immediately and found the car had already been stolen! The weird part is, I have absolutely no memory what-so-ever of how we got back the Tennessee (UT). :huh

I have a love/hate relationship with NO. I have memories of nothing but the smell of puke and piss all along Burbon or Canal Streets ... but I never hesitate to return and always have a good time. Go figure. Mardi Gras is insane ... something everyone should experience at least once in their lives ... preferably when they're younger!