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View Full Version : How Long Before This Happens?

07-30-2016, 12:16 PM
How long before Trump promises to appoint an Attorney General and FBI Director who will file charges and put Hillary Clinton in prison immediately after he's elected?

He's not crossed that line yet, but I will bet you it is coming. If not overtly stated then directly implied.

Imprisoning political enemies doesn't seem to be out of bounds for these third world fuckers.


07-30-2016, 01:12 PM
The only problem with your theory is that neither the AG or FBI director can directly put anyone in prison. They can only recommend that charges be filed or file the charges. If there is no probable cause anyone that it arrested will be let loose no later than 48 hours after they are arrested and it will go no further. However if probable cause is found, then a judge and jury will decide if that person will go to prison or not.

I guess it's OK though that a decision NOT to file charges can be made by people who have received political promises.

07-30-2016, 01:26 PM
Well, that's what I mean. And of course, if it happened there'd have to be a perp walk.

I just think its a matter of time before one of his campaign promises will be to lock her up. Technicalities like trials mean nothing to him, or his followers for that matter.