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View Full Version : A real dilemma ... make that a TOTAL dilemma.

08-01-2016, 08:32 AM
I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I give up .... UNCLE already!!!

Trump constantly pushes the envelope ... but I think he may have gone a bit too far with the Khizr Khan thing. The reason I've stuck it out as long as I have is because he is SO damned successful in business. The "business" thing is a hook for me because I am (like a good portion of this country), fed up with politicians and Washington bureaucrats. That's what drew me toward Ross Perot a few years back, until I also threw in the towel on him once he started flaking out and eventually pulled a quick "crash & burn". I LOVED Reagan and wish we'd had cloning figured out while he was still with us. Was he perfect? Nobody is, or ever will be, but he was as close as I needed to be as happy as can be expected with the way our government was working at the time. I've said it here a bazillion times, I voted for Reagan, but EVER SINCE, I have only voted AGAINST someone in a Presidential election and not once voted FOR a specific candidate (although I DID cast my ballot as a "protest vote" so to speak). I have not, and will not, "waste" my vote by writing in Mickey Mouse or some such nonsense ... I will only vote for someone who has an honest chance at beating the candidate I'm AGAINST (the most). It's NOT the way I'd like to vote, but what alternative is there?

That said .. this time around, I'm in a total conundrum ... I have no clue what to do. I became a Trump fan ONLY because of his business success. But like Perot before him, it's just not working out for me. I hate when I cringe while listening to him at times and can only think he makes moronic statements by putting his mouth in gear before engaging his brain. When he pulls a major gaffe, I expect him to do the right thing and, after thinking it over, make an apology, admit the mistake and do a bit of damage control before moving on. I have never ONCE heard Trump apologize for ANYTHING ... OR, ever admit he was wrong or made a mistake in judgement. Some see that as strength, I see it as idiocy, and the more I watch him, the more of an idiot I think he is. Maybe not as a businessman, but as a "person" in general. The crap that spews from his mouth and the turmoil it causes, somehow just rolls off like water off a duck's back. The problem is, again, like Perot, the longer the campaign draws out, the less confident I feel.

I've always thought that maybe he'd make it as President. Why? Because after getting to know him (so to speak), I've been under the opinion that he must surround himself with some genius management teams. For one, his businesses are still thriving while he's been absent and on the campaign trail. He'll have to break all connections with his businesses while President. What will that be? 4 years? 8 years? That's a LONG time to be absent from a huge business empire like his. So, surely he must have board meetings and take (and HEED) suggestions from his staff as well as have excellent management staff to keep things running successfully while he's away. Otherwise, how could this ass-clown be as successful as he is? Taking that assumption a bit farther, I'd think he'd do the same as President ... surround himself with excellent political advisers, fill leadership positions with good, qualified people and simply become a "Head of State" in a way ... like the Queen of England. BUT ... I'm SURE he has all sorts of good people giving him advice right now, but I'm not sure his ego will allow him to listen to anybody. He tends to dig a hole and just keep shoveling no matter what anyone around him says. It's plain as day. Hillary baited him in by having Khizr Khan speak at her convention. Trump bit into the bait and ran with it ... hook, line and sinker ... just as planned because the Dems knew he'd make an ass of himself. He did and he still is.

The problem is, as it stands, I have no real choice on election day. Hitler or Ass-Clown ... tough decision. If the Devil hisownfineself were running, he'd probably get my vote, but unfortunately, it's either Hillary or Trump ... and I'd put a bullet in my head before voting for that Clinton witch!

I'll have to check the title to this thread before hitting the "submit" button. I did say I have a dilemma, didn't I? :(

Chicken Dinner
08-01-2016, 08:56 AM
A couple of thoughts:

1. No doubt he's been successful by most people's standards. But, has he been as successful as he'd like us to believe. I, for one, won't believe it until he releases his tax returns.

2. We might not like how gig and complicated our government is to run. But, it's the reality we're dealing with and, unfortunately, it takes people with experience in running a government to make it go. (Even if not that well.). The political appointees with this experience are going to be hesitant to attach themselves to the Trump brand if they see it tarnishing their own reputations. My feeling is that he'll have a hard time finding the sort of people he'll need to rely on.

08-01-2016, 09:26 AM
He lost me in 2015 when he said "This country is a hellhole". And then he dug himself deeper by saying "The military is a disaster". The latest? He said just yesterday that the Russians would never invade the Ukraine. Excuse me, but wasn't Crimea part of the Ukraine?

The man is not a successful businessman, at least not in the sense of the word that we apply to other successful businessmen. Still, would you think either of the Koch brothers would make good presidents? How about george Soros, or Mark Cuban? How about T Boone Pickens? Being a successful businessman means your good at business. It doesn't mean doodly squat about governing. That logic for voting for anyone is very shaky. And you praise Trump's business acumen, bankruptcies, jilted contractors, and Trump University included, without a single word about the KIND of businessman he is.
Do you hear any of his business partners or former partners extolling his virtues?

This campaign is far from over and I hope before it is over, you folks realize what a total fucking train wreck this guy is. And if you hate Hillary, then vote for Gary Johnson. And if you really and truly think America is the hellhole he describes, then by all means it is probably wise to vote for an insane fucker like Trump.

Now, watch and wait for the attacks on hillary clinton. That's the standard response to any post about Trump since it is a total change of subject.


Big Muddy
08-01-2016, 09:52 AM
"""""Now, watch and wait for the attacks on hillary clinton. That's the standard response to any post about Trump since it is a total change of subject."""""

And, that is exactly what the Hilldebeast did yesterday morning on her Fox interview....when asked if she was being truthful about those deleted emails, she made a short unrelated response about Comey and the FBI, then immediately said, "Why don't you ask Trump about blah, blah, blah, blah."....just saying.

08-01-2016, 09:53 AM
That didn't take long!


Big Muddy
08-01-2016, 09:55 AM
Goose----Gander. ;)

08-01-2016, 11:03 AM
Well, that's my problem P-hole. The status quo sure isn't getting it done, is it? Politicians are to the point they make me sick to my stomach. Obama promised "change" and all those dumbass suckers fell for it and voted him in ... TWICE!!! Now, what is Hillary promising? Change! Sorry, but changing your used condom does not mean simply turning it inside out. I absolutely despise Hillary and can't even imagine her as President, with Bill as ... ummm ... "First Man"??? :confused:

I may not even vote this election and I've voted in EVERY election since I became of age. BUT ... I feel like if I DON'T vote at all, it will still be a vote FOR Hillary! That's where the term "dilemma" comes into play.

And why bother voting for Gary Johnson? What would be the difference from simply sitting this one out? It would be the same result and I'd save my time and gas money.

This sucks, :(

08-01-2016, 11:08 AM
If there is a candidate on the ballot that you could vote for but wouldn't because you think he/she has no chance of winnig, then I would say the dilemma is you, not the ballot.


08-01-2016, 11:16 AM
Disagree. The 3rd party option makes sense on first blush but if you factor in our electoral process, it's a foolish way to vote without having local and state politicians representing the party. As I understand it (questionable, at best), even if the country popular vote was 40% for Johnson 30% for trump and 30% for clinton, the Libertarian doesn't win.


08-01-2016, 11:18 AM
If there is a candidate on the ballot that you could vote for but wouldn't because you think he/she has no chance of winning, then I would say the dilemma is you, not the ballot. BKB

I agree with you in principle only, but in actuality, it's like pissing in the ocean to try raising the water level. It may make you feel you've done your part, but the ONLY result is that tingly feel-good feeling you'd get for the "in your face" statement you'd be making. It won't change a damn thing and you know it. As Hillary would say, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

08-01-2016, 11:32 AM
I just disagree with the concept of only voting for a candidate that you think will win. Shouldn't it be who you want to win?

And Len, the Libertarians are on the ballot in all fifty states. If they win in any state, and its a long time until the elections and a LOT can happen, they win that states electoral votes don't they?


08-01-2016, 11:40 AM
And CNN is broadcasting a libertarian town hall on Wednesday, not sure about the time. You should check them out.


08-01-2016, 11:55 AM
I just disagree with the concept of only voting for a candidate that you think will win. Shouldn't it be who you want to win? BKB

You haven't been paying attention. I believe that's the point I've been trying to make for years now. In THIS election, just like every one since Reagan, there is NOBODY running whom I'd like to win. The only options are:

1) Vote for the lesser of two evils
2) Waste my time and effort to vote for someone who hasn't a snowball's chance in Hell of winning
3) Basically the same end result as #2 above, simply stay home and not vote at all

I'll go for #1. As you suggested ... I'm voting for whom I "want" to win ... and that would be ANYONE who stands a chance of beating Hillary.

08-01-2016, 12:20 PM
Anyone that does ANYTHING other than vote of Trump IS doing a part in electing Billary.. That's the way I see it.

08-01-2016, 12:28 PM
I just disagree with the concept of only voting for a candidate that you think will win. Shouldn't it be who you want to win?

And Len, the Libertarians are on the ballot in all fifty states. If they win in any state, and its a long time until the elections and a LOT can happen, they win that states electoral votes don't they?


That's what I used to believe but I've read a couple articles that confused the hell out of of me that made a case for not being possible without having the local and state positions filled with Libertarians.

08-01-2016, 12:29 PM
And CNN is broadcasting a libertarian town hall on Wednesday, not sure about the time. You should check them out.


That's crazy goatfucker McAffee was in the alst one I watched. Kinda brings down the seriousness with which you can consider a Libertarian with that Insane AssClown in the mix.

08-01-2016, 03:13 PM
I don't know if it's true but I just saw something where it said the Libertarians were only on the ballot in 36 states.

quercus alba
08-01-2016, 10:18 PM

Big Muddy
08-01-2016, 11:15 PM
This man woulda got my vote, if he had run....brilliant retort to the muslim father at the DNC.
