View Full Version : Mini Trip Report

08-27-2016, 03:49 PM
KeithBob, Birddgog to you'ns, and I loaded up the jon boat, threw in some tackle boxes and coffee cups and some frozen bottled waters, and this morning just two poles apiece and headed to the pits. We got on the water about 8:45, had some good topwater action for a bit, and generally just had an awesome morning on the water. The cool summer we have had has left the water in these pits gin clear, the fish are almost black they're so deep green and healthy, and the coontail is high and makes pockets that you point to and say "That thur is some primo bucketmout habitat". I think we caught 33 bass in total and they were taking flight a lot today. Just full of piss and vinegar. Not like dog days at all.
I caught the biggest, of course, right at high noon. Two and a half pounder. Brought a few home for my supper tonight. I hardly ever do that in August. Found nary a parasite when I cleaned them.

First time out on home waters since the first day of July. Man, that's almost two months of fishng lost this summer. I'm stingy about givng any of that time up!


08-27-2016, 04:39 PM
You just caught the biggest one cause I was not there.
That's a trip I GOT to make one day....
You need lessons. :D

08-27-2016, 05:29 PM
Youse guys are just lucky I wasn't there with my Snoopy rig 'cause I'da embarrassed bof'a youse! (and before you say it ... you KNOW I mean by out-fishing bof'a youse with one hand tied behind my back! ;)

08-27-2016, 05:39 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen.....;)

08-27-2016, 10:58 PM
Nice! Glad renaldo got out for a good day of catching fish!

I'm headed out tomorrow on the ribber for some summer smallie action. We'll see how it goes.

08-28-2016, 07:47 AM
Its over cast here this morning. My first thought when I got up and took my coffee outside to smell the air was "topwaters!".

Good luck today, Lenster.


Chicken Dinner
08-28-2016, 09:20 AM
Sunny and 90 here today. Good day to spend waist deep in the river.

08-28-2016, 09:43 PM
I went out in the upper Potomac and had a great morning of fishing with JJ. It was hotter than a whore in church but we persevered till noon. I boated 17. Fish size is coming back up quickly, too. My thumb actually hurts and what not.