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View Full Version : Dang, you hear the explosion, Thump???

Big Muddy
09-01-2016, 11:46 AM
SpaceX rocket just exploded at Cape Canaveral.

09-01-2016, 11:50 AM
Go back and finish your nap Mudward. ;)


Big Muddy
09-01-2016, 11:54 AM
Sorry 'bout that....I've got that Fox alert thingy on my iphone, and it buzzed me about it.

Sure hope there were no casualties.

09-01-2016, 12:55 PM
When we came home from St Lucia our plane flew right over Cape Canaveral. Its always immediately recognizable and one of my favorite places in Florida. My original orders out of tech school were to Patrick, but got changed to the opposite coast at MacDill. One of my tech school buddies that went on to Patrick still lives in Melbourne and retired from MacDonald Douglas after working on the shuttle his entire post-Air Force career. Shoulda woulda coulda!


09-01-2016, 01:37 PM
The ex-wife and I used to have an 800 number we'd call that had a recording of all the planned launches and their launch times. We loved the night launches and would many times head for the beach with a coupl'a lawn chairs, a transistor radio, a bucket of KFC and a cooler of cold drinks. We'd have our "dinner" on the beach, watch the launch and head back to the house. I haven't done that in a long time. I guess I've gotten lazy as I just watch 'em from my pool deck now. But, there's nothing like being there where you can get up close and personal ... where the ground shakes and you can feel the power of those rockets pounding your chest.

When I was a kid in Scouts, one of our favorite places to camp was a place called "Mosquito Lagoon". We'd have a blast! Fishing, crabbing, canoeing (it was protected like the inland waterway) and just generally having a great time exploring, etc. The real bonus was when there happened to be a launch while we were there. I LOVE night launches. It's an awesome sight that you shouldn't miss if you ever get the chance.

Mosquito Lagoon wasn't right at the Cape, but it was close enough for a neat experience.


09-01-2016, 06:18 PM
I'll bet the whole thing was Hombre's fault.