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View Full Version : Man.... school sure is different now a days

09-26-2016, 07:06 PM
My 7th grader brought home some info on a trip that he's allowed to go on next summer. 9 days in Germany. Only 3 spots left, at a cost of $3,500.
Now that does NOT include lunches, or "special" excursions.
I'm guessing this is a $4,500 trip once it's all said and done.
If I was made of money like phole is, I'd send him. But I'm not. So I ain't.
We made a deal that maybe he can go when he gets to high school. He can start working and saving now.

When I was in school my big trip in high school was to Fort Harrod. I thought I was shittin in tall cotton.

Chicken Dinner
09-26-2016, 07:15 PM
Matt did a high school student exchange this past summer that came in at about half of that. He does take German in school and I had him pay half. It was at least somewhat educational and really was a pretty cool cultural experience, but it sounds like they drank a fair amount of beer as that's legal for 16 year olds. I'm with you on spending $4.5k for a 12 year old. That's more than we typically pay for a family summer vacation. The kid he stayed with will be here starting next week.