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View Full Version : Hey Bwana!

10-20-2016, 11:50 AM
I'm glad your boy, Wentz was finally introduced to the real NFL :) My Skins defense was in his ear hole most of the day and introduced themselves in fine fashion!

He handled it all with class and poise, I must say! Heck, with 5 sacks on his own, he and Kerrigan may be BFFs at this point. Who knows?

10-20-2016, 11:54 AM
* a note from the NFL. No national symbols were put into bags, sacks, or otherwise harmed by Native Americans in the production of this football game.

10-25-2016, 12:02 PM
Yeah, he took a beating that game but rest assured he won't give up fighting any time soon.

As long as he stays healthy, I'm thinking there is more good things to come from our hometown boy.