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View Full Version : Lamont (As you call him)

10-23-2016, 12:36 AM
Friday and Saturday we were competing in an agility show.

Previously, both the dogs have finished qualifying to go and compete, next year, Agility Nationals.

There are only so many slots, so we have to wait until just before the show and see if our entries made the slots.

Yesterday was our first time, at this agility location, and the surface had not been compacted.

Everything was going great, on the course, until Lamont jumped over a jump and his paws sunk into the soft dirt on landing.

He cleared the jump, but couldn't get his paws up and did a complete summersault and face planted into the dirt.
I freaked!
He came up spitting dirt.

I was so scared he had injured himself and I think more gray hairs popped out of my scalp!!!

Next thing I know he's off running the course, all by himself, and everyone around the arena sighed and started clapping, that he was ok.

He did a perfect tuck and roll flip!

Since he was ok, I let him finish the day.

Gave him some Traumeel ( natural anti inflammatory) and had a professional massager give him a massage.

Well this morning I set him at the start line and head out to where I wanted to be on the course, before releasing him, and start the course.

I turn around to find no dog!!!

He already left the start line and was through two tunnels before I caught up to him.

Thank goodness it was a course you have to accumulate points and he was way ahead of accumulating them.

Later in the day, we had a course called Snookers.

You have to clear a red jump, then go pick another jump, then go get a different jump, then go get another jump and again find another red jump and then start a numbered course to the end.
I hate Snookers. Its always been my problem course and today we needed to complete the course and qualify to earn his Agility Championship Title in another Agility Venue.

WE DID IT!!!!!!

Lamont now has two different Agility Venues Championship Titles.

Here's a picture of us with the judge, along with his ribbon and final jump bar from the course. Everyone then signs the bar.

He almost died on May 5 and had major gall bladder removal surgery. Here he is a Champion!!!!

Chicken Dinner
10-23-2016, 06:17 AM
That Lamont he's a gamer and there's no keeping him down!

10-23-2016, 03:06 PM
He's going to make my hair all gray!! :)

Oh and the judge is dressed in blue. Im the one in the black winter jacket!

10-23-2016, 03:38 PM
What a dog!:clap

10-23-2016, 05:04 PM
Good dog!


10-25-2016, 12:20 PM
Impressive for sure.