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Big Skyz
11-02-2016, 03:50 PM
You know I'm about half considering voting for Hillary and then really hoping she either gets impeached, arrested, or her health fails her to the point of having to resign. Heck, I wouldn't be upset if all three happened to her. I absolutely do not want her as a president, but I'm not so sure I want Trump either, and he's very likely to go the full 4 years if he doesn't get us all killed in the mean time. At least with Hillary there is a good chance she won't last 4 years. Just a thought. Still doesn't mean I would vote for her, but I'm really struggling with taking a chance of having her in and out in 4 or less, or having Trump in all 4 years. Every time I think about voting I'm just sick about the two choices.

11-02-2016, 03:56 PM
Sky, a pretty smart guy said this:

This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it.

Will Rogers - November 1, 1932


11-02-2016, 03:57 PM
Ya, the last 8 years is a good example.

Chicken Dinner
11-02-2016, 04:47 PM
I've almost reached the same point with Trump. It's actually be kind of interesting to see the reaction of the liberals around here if he were to actually win. Of course, I don't think anyone would be more surprised than him.

11-02-2016, 05:47 PM
I've almost reached the same point with Trump. It's actually be kind of interesting to see the reaction of the liberals around here if he were to actually win. Of course, I don't think anyone would be more surprised than him.

Well, its a definite possible maybe that either one will win. And believe you me, I've thought about it a lot, including what spots in the yard to bury cash in.
The upside is that our process of governing has lots of checks and balances. The election is important, don't get me wrong, but as a nation we have survived and prospered despite electing some real bozos as our president. Sometimes twice.

So i'll worry not matter who wins, but its kind of like what I would think of in basic training when the chickenshit was so deep you didn't think you could breathe. I'd think, well at least they can't shoot me. At least not on purpose. Too many forms would have to be filled out.

Shit, all it is, is world peace. Don't sweat the small stuff!


11-02-2016, 06:14 PM
I love whirled peas.

11-02-2016, 06:22 PM
Once you finish voting B/S, sit down and list all your guns, then send the list to Hillary in case she ever needs a reference. ;)

Big Skyz
11-02-2016, 07:37 PM
Thump, it would have your address on it. ;)

11-02-2016, 07:39 PM
Damn! :slaphead