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View Full Version : Sorry ... a very looooong "Thump post" here.

11-03-2016, 09:35 AM
Sorry for the long post, but I just wanted to pass this on. I have an old Army buddy in Mississippi who was in my Intel unit and we both lived in a small village for a couple years. Our bungalows were right across from each other. Anyway, we've been friends for 45 years now and mostly stay in touch via email and/or Facebook these days ... with an occasional phone call here and there. He refuses to talk about politics. He'll discuss minor political subjects in generic terms, but to get into actual political discussions ... well, he hates it with a passion. Don't get me wrong, he's very patriotic, stays on top of the issues and always votes, he simply keeps his political leanings to himself. To be honest, after knowing him all these years, I don't even know what his affiliation is. Sometimes I get a hint that he may be a Republican, other times I think he may be a Democrat. He may vote 3rd party for all I know. But ... after 45 years ... I'm still clueless. He's so adamant about it, he posted this on his Facebook page back in July:

"Dear friends... Without malice I am blocking your posts if you are a habitual politics poster. Doesn't matter to me if your politics are left leaning or right leaning. I didn't join the FB clubhouse to see, listen to, or read about politics. I can turn on the TV or radio to any of dozens of channels if I want any updates on that. I joined for better reasons like friendship, camaraderie, sharing jokes and pictures. Personally I don't think anyone is being influenced by your political postings and cannot for the life of me therefore understand what your motivation is. Often they are simply un-vetted opinion or worse anyway. I still like ya. Some of you I even love. But I don't want to see that stuff when I scroll down anymore. I'll turn you back on after the election (hoping you will have stopped by then.) It's my privilege. Actually, I think I am acting and speaking for lots of folks by my actions. Just being honest and sayin'..." :)

Well, yesterday, someone really got under his skin because he made a very long post on his FB page that kinda touched on politics without actually getting into a political preference. This is about the closest to "political" I've ever heard him get. I just wanted to post it here because it pretty much struck a chord with me and made me "think" a bit. (I asked permission BTW and he said I can do whatever I want with his posts) Note: He many times makes a "good morning" post about 5:00 am and starts them out with "Good Morning Earlybirds".


"Hello Earlybirds! Yes, it’s been a long while. I’m a busy man… But I have some non-partisan political comments to make and the time is right to make this posting. This will be a bit lengthy. So if you aren’t in the mood I suggest that you just move on without reading it. Some talking points…

The President (or the office of the President) and our congressmen are not the ones who make America weak or great – the citizens do – you and me and everyone else collectively. We exercise our greatness in a number of ways – by voting, by supporting issues and causes, and by patriotic integrity. Great Americans support the electoral process and respect the outcome. If we cannot respect the outcome then I suggest that we have been the ones who have let our democratic process and republican form of government slip and fall. I commit here and now that I will respect the election process and will not complain regardless of who “we the people” elect next week. I implore you to do the same. Find a way to work with what we have done instead of complaining about it for the next 2, 4, 6 or 8 years. We have a voice through our vote, but we do not choose as individuals or political parties. We choose collectively as a nation. That process and choice deserves our respect and admiration.

Someone I have respected much of my life made an eye-opening comment to me a while ago during a phone call. She said, “Pat, I wish someone would just kill him” referring to a person in high office in our government. She regularly attends church services, believes she is a pious Christian woman, and would not hesitate to correct me on moral issues. I asked her if she realized that she just advocated the killing of a high government official and she backed off a little, but not entirely. I wish she would go back to watching her favorite old movies on TCM instead of her all-day news channel. I submit that if you have had similar thoughts or feelings just as strong that you should consider the influences in your life. Did she come to this conclusion through deductive reasoning when presented with tangible facts? Or was she inspired by the influence of her favorite news station? Whether left or right leaning almost all the news stations have their forms of information spin and twist. The panelists and paid consultants are simply speaking in ways that the network tells them to speak or in ways that they think the network wants to hear. They are getting pretty healthy pay checks and these “expert” commentators are very convincing. I have come to believe that the process of watching (or listening to) 24-hour news channels is unhealthy. We would be less influenced by the station and more well rounded in our opinions should we go back to ½ hour news twice daily as was the case when we were young. The brevity forced the station to stick to newsworthy events and rely much less on commentary. If you like to watch news panelists and commentary you ARE being influenced in a methodical way to believe what they want you to believe. I decided to change channels or turn the station off when the conversation turns to panelists, editorial, and commentary. And I am going back to 30 minute news programming in hopes of just observing actual news events and making my own judgment calls. And I am always on the hunt for the least biased media channel.

I often read strong opinions about implementing term limits for national offices. I agree, but it is not likely to happen in the near term because the folks who have to pass that law are the same ones who would be put out of a job. Ditto for constraints on former politicians as paid lobbyists. On term limits we do have some power however. Though there is no law defining term limits, each of us is empowered to do so with our individual vote. That is, we can have a personal 2-term limit policy. If we did this collectively we would likely inspire the changes we hope for. It isn’t perfect in all cases. Sometimes the incumbent doesn’t have good competition within your favored party. But we should consider it – especially during the primaries. Think about it.

When Congress passes a bill and the President signs it into law, after the Supreme Court makes their final determination on its legality (they are all challenged), it is time to quit fighting it. It can be improved later on as needed but history tells us that, with very little exception, it will not be repealed. Social Security was controversial at its onset. But who would repeal it today? Not me! Nobody is going to change the 2nd Amendment. The nut cases and bad guys are always going to find ways to get guns regardless of how laws are written and regulated. [Non-partisan Sidebar – I am for background investigations and ever-so-slight tightening of purchase regulations. I have held concealed carry permits from multiple states and still do. Mississippi, where I am a resident has open carry laws. When I go to a public event or restaurant or Walmart and see someone with their Glock strapped to their thigh I am acutely aware that I have had to obtain a federal background check for the gun I am hiding on me while they could be the guy or gal (I’ve seen both) who is a predator and felon and just doesn’t care. Open carry is intimidating and does not require any form of checks and balances.]

Abortion rights and national healthcare are done deals. They aren’t going away. You don’t get to tell others how to deal with their own pregnancies no matter your personal and religious beliefs. You make your own choices and others make theirs. You don’t have to agree or like it. And you do not have to enroll in the Affordable Care Act institution. You just have to have healthcare insurance. The cost was going to go up no matter. So were for-profit-stockholder-owned insurance company’s CEO compensation. Get over it. They aren’t going to magically go away. PS – That politician who makes these issues talking points doesn’t care one iota one way or the other. He or she is just trying to get your vote.

I am aware that any discussion on politics incites strong emotions in some. I am going against my personal policy to refrain from posting anything about politics on Facebook in this. I am looking forward to unblocking many of my friends after the election in hopes that the postings will return to friendlier topics. You can feel free to comment on my posting, but I will likely not reply. The main message I wish to convey to you is that in order to be good citizens we need to take a more cooperative and compromising approach to our country’s’ governance and be somewhat less accusatory while drawing our individual conclusions from facts rather than others’ influential dialog. Our minds have become influenced by constant media bombardment to the extent that the non-stop partisan criticism we observe has devalued the offices we hold so high. We are very fortunate to live in a country where we have the right and ability to express our views without fearing being jailed or killed. I served and defended those rights and hold them very close to my chest. I am concerned that we have become too partisan and think that the information highway and its motivated administrators are partly to blame. The rest of the blame is on us as a society. We need to get with the program by respecting the processes in place, the offices and officers, to contribute more than criticize, and to use proper critical thinking – relying on facts and not believing false political innuendo.

With utmost respect for all of my Facebook friends, -Pat"

11-03-2016, 09:46 AM
Wow. Your friend expresses himself very well! And I happen to agree with 100% of what he wrote too! I'm guessing in your friendship, he's the smart one?

He really hit a great point with me too about being a news addict. This election has me mesmerized and I've power watched cable news for way, way too long. Thanks to your buddy, that stops today! Back to work and fishing!

Thanks for sharing. This is kind of like 'Derek's Hunting Ethics', an old essay written by some college student a long time ago. It just makes too much damned sense not to pay attention to it.


11-03-2016, 10:22 AM
Smarter and most definitely the better looking of the two.

I like his post! I am 100% in agreement with him on every point.

11-03-2016, 10:28 AM
Ha ha! Yeah, I taught him everything he knows. ;)

He was an old hippie and I'll tell you what, between the two of us (back in the day) we probably smoked a semi-truck load of Thai Stick and burned out a few bongs by time we left S.E. Asia. Being in Intel, we didn't have to follow military protocol all that closely. He had long hair (by military standards) parted down the middle and wore John Lennon style "granny glasses".

It's funny to look back at old pics and see how we've evolved since those days. Nowadays, he's bald as a cue ball. :D

11-03-2016, 10:59 AM
That was Cool Thump....Thanks for Posting it you old hippie :D

quercus alba
11-03-2016, 11:01 AM
Well, I guess my plan for insurrection and a future coup just got shot all to pieces. I had planned on Len and Posthole being my chief lieutenants.

11-03-2016, 11:39 AM
Thats leftenant to you, sir.


11-03-2016, 02:48 PM