View Full Version : Megyn Kelly

11-17-2016, 10:03 AM
First off let me say I'm not really a fan. Its not her politics, its the confrontational nature of how she comports herself. Kind of like Roger Mudd was back in the day. He became the story a lot of times just because of the way he interviewed people. I'm all for making politicians answer questions but I think that disrespect is disrespect no matter what the outcome of the questioning.

Anyway, she's come out with a book and details Roger Ailes sexual harrassment for one thing. Here's what I don't understand about this. Sure, Roger Ailes was obviously the guilty party. But it seems like Foxnews gets a free pass. Since when does a company get let off the hook when one of its employees sexually harasses people? The company is responsible for the culture that allowed it in the first place. At least that is what i was taught about it in the many training sessions I had to attend on it. and its not the intent of their policies but the effect of them that the dompany is held responsible for. So while i understand Gretchen Carlson's suit, I don't understand why
foxnews is seemingly getting off the hook for it and Ailes is soley taking the hits in court.
are the Murdochsthat powerful?

And with all the interviews Kelly is giving talking about it on other networks I'd have to think she's either going to have s big of Foxnews as her own or moving to another network.

bottom line though, this Ailes guy sounds like a number one a-hole.


Big Muddy
11-17-2016, 10:14 AM
Ailes is a perverted sexual predator, who needs to be neutered....Kelly is a beautiful egotistical biatch, with no people-skills....however, she used to give me a woody....now, I switch the channel, when she comes on....Fox is the only tv news that I watch, and will continue to watch.

quercus alba
11-17-2016, 10:19 AM
I watch ESPN news and not even that when they wax political. Can't stand Megan Kelly and never heard of the other fellow or a sex scandal. Get most of my news right here. Fair and balanced

Big Muddy
11-17-2016, 10:23 AM
Ha....^^^^^.....you area smart man.....for an Arkie. ;)

11-17-2016, 10:45 AM
Ailes is a perverted sexual predator, who needs to be neutered....Kelly is a beautiful egotistical biatch, with no people-skills....however, she used to give me a woody....now, I switch the channel, when she comes on....Fox is the only tv news that I watch, and will continue to watch.

I can agree to everything said except the last part. I watch FOX News also, probably more than other sources ... but their "fair and balanced" claim is total B/S. I watch CNN just for balance, but frankly, I get pissed off if I watch too much of ANY news outlet because they're ALL biased one way or another (IMHO). If you switch back and forth the way I do, it's blatantly obvious. Conservatives lean toward FOX. Why? The actual news coverage is "okay", but when you get to the specific shows (Hannity, Limbaugh, ad nauseam), anyone who claims non-biased coverage has their heads up their collective asses. I don't believe it's intellectually healthy to lock your tv on FOX and throw away the remote. That leads to "brain-washing".

I have a buddy whose kid would eat NOTHING but hotdogs and Mac 'n Cheese while young. That's it ... NOTHING else! You could put a Porterhouse in front of him and he'd turn his nose up at it without even tasting it. If he refuses to taste the steak, does that really mean hotdogs are better? As long as that was all he'd ever try, they ARE better (but only in HIS mind). To me personally, I PREFER steak, but I'd probably get a bit tired of it if it were the ONLY thing I ever ate. I surely don't mind a hotdog from time to time.

11-17-2016, 10:57 AM
You hit the nail on the head Thumper. Cable news is hardly news any more. They seem to just have the hosts of their news programs talk about a single topic for hours on end and only spend time on 'breaking news' when some big happens. I got addicted to it during the dampaign but have't turned CNN or Fox on since because they're STILL talking about it ad nauseum. We watch the CBS Evening News and the local news at 6:00 and that's about it. There's still spin but at least there is a variety of news stories they cover. I think the 24 news cycle is a big joke.

As for ESPN, QA. You can have it. I watch it because they carry a lot of college football and basketball. For their other stuff, notsomuch. Even then Old Yellerteeth and Mark May make me gag.


Big Muddy
11-17-2016, 11:08 AM
I like hotdogs, every now and then, too, but I'm sticking with Fox for my news. ;)

Chicken Dinner
11-17-2016, 11:12 AM
This is for Thump and BBP only as I know the rest of you folks would never risk it. Try BBC America for news. All the fair and balanced crap aside, their coverage is much more in depth and analytical. The rest of them are like watching People magazine, USA Today or some reality TV BS. Basically, McNews...

11-17-2016, 11:19 AM
I will look for it in my channel lineup and give it a go.

Do they show any Monty Python?


11-17-2016, 12:10 PM
This is for Thump and BBP only as I know the rest of you folks would never risk it. Try BBC America for news. All the fair and balanced crap aside, their coverage is much more in depth and analytical. The rest of them are like watching People magazine, USA Today or some reality TV BS. Basically, McNews...

Yep, I watch BBC when I can, as well as Al Jazeera ... especially when I travel. I have basic cable here and don't always have the option. I do like to channel surf the various news channels just to get a broader perspective of what's out there. It takes about 3 minutes to spot the bias. I do consider myself a Conservative and am a registered Republican, but I'm not naive enough to buy all that FOX tries to shove down my throat ... just as I don't fall for all the bullshit spewed by the left-leaning networks. I sure wish some medial mogul would start up a totally unbiased news network. TUNN! ;)

11-17-2016, 12:27 PM
News has always been biased and likely always will be. The big thing now is fake news sites that just post bs lies. But its the kind of stuff, left and right, that people want to hear and so they believe it and pass it along. (They're probably uneducated Ha!)

Back in the Roman days, they used graffiti to do what social media essentially does today. And people's opinions were shaped by the graffiti that was painted on public walls. And in Rome they had a town crier that actually read the day's topical news aloud. That person, of course, read what the government wanted to be read so the people were cynical of it and believed the graffiti as much as the official news. Pretty much like we have today. Our cynicism of the 'other side' leads us to believe whatever 'our side' tells us and its all richer than three feet up a brahma bull's ass.

Today's history, brought to you by.....


11-17-2016, 01:01 PM
I've touched on this previously through the years here. I was actually a news junkie as a young child. Our morning newspaper would arrive around 4:00 am and I've been an early-riser all my life. I would actually have the paper read before going to school in the morning (I'm talking elementary school even!). Later on, I never once went without a newspaper subscription, but I'd also watch network news on TV. Once I went into the military and entered the Intel. field, I knew for a FACT what was going on in the world. The problem is, when I'd read, listen to, or watch the news, I was floored by the difference between what was reported and what was fact. In many, MANY instances, they didn't match up!

I started getting my news from internal intelligence reports and slowly started shying away from mass media coverage, except for "local news". When I got out of the service, I never again subscribed to a newspaper until I started my own business, and then it was only because I was running ads. I wanted to make sure my ad was posted and posted correctly, as well as stay on top of how my competitors were advertising.

When we think of "misleading" news, we normally think of foreign dictators or communist type governments controlling their news via propaganda as well as doses of out and out censorship, but this country does a lot of the same. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with censorship concerning classified information or anything to do with maintaining National Security, but my problem is, where do you draw the line? And WHO draws that line? It's a tough call. Remember the old WWII slogan, "Loose Lips Sink Ships"? I do believe that, but I'll tell you for a fact, this country uses the press to disseminate false information when it's fitting, not unlike our adversaries.

I honestly don't know how much things have changed through the years, but I think we still need to try to "separate wheat from chaff" when it comes to some of our news coverage ... no matter the source.

11-17-2016, 01:18 PM
I got my news bug from reading the teletype machines at the radio stations my step dad worked in and eventually owned. When I was prolly 12-13 one of my 'jobs' when I was hanging around the station in everyones hair was to rip stories off the teletype, cut them into pieces, paper clip them together and give them to the DJ. He'd then decide which ones to trash and which ones to read. It kept me busy! The bell would ding when a 'top story' would come across and I'd run like hell to read it as it printed. And election years were big in radio with politicains buying up as much air time as they could so that probably got me interested in politics too. There used to be a practice (and it still is in radio) called double billing. What happens is a politician buys an ad to run three times a day for a month at a certain rate. The station bills the politicians campaign fund for twice that amount, per a handshake, and the candidate gets preferential treatment from the station in its editorials. It was also a common practice with franchise businesses where the franchise pays for advertising and the local franchisee gets a lot of love from the station and they usually split the take. My old man left a job as station manager at the station he now owns over that practice. The owner at the time was on the take from everybody.

People blame the media for a lot of stuff, but eithout somebody on the other side greasing the skids a lot of the bias wouldn't happen.
money talks and bullshit walks.


11-17-2016, 02:30 PM
It's the same in retail P-hole. Many people have no clue. When Lynn was in the food business, I learned a lot about retail grocery sales. Grocery stores can make more money squeezing the manufacturers than they make off of the sales themselves. If you decide your grandma's apple jelly would be a big hit and decide to market it, good luck getting it onto your local grocer's shelves. Slotting fees usually start out around $25,000 (PER ITEM!) and with a larger chain, can run around a quarter million bucks. Now mind you, that's just to get it into the store. The next time you walk through your local grocery store, notice whose products are on "eye-level" shelves and whose are on the "got'ta bend over to see 'em" bottom shelves. Those eye-level shelves cost BIG bucks. That's not even taking into account the big bucks it'll cost the mfg. to get their product on an end-cap! (that stack of shelves at the end of every isle). From my personal observations, Kraft is the major big-boy who usually wins the product placement game. They have deep pockets.

Those flyers you get in the mail? That itty-bitty 1" square picture of a product also costs the mfg. a pretty penny ... and those discounts offered? The store doesn't pay 'em, the mfg discounts the item to the store. Grocery stores could come close to giving their products away and still make money! The list is endless ... that's just the tip of the retail iceberg.

11-17-2016, 03:46 PM
The reason why cable news channels have so many shows with "journalists" who become bigger than the news itself is there isn't enough that happens to justify 24 hour news.

11-17-2016, 05:20 PM
News is now entertainment. I flip through all the various channels plus print media and internet gobbly gook in a vain hope of gleaning a glimmer of reality. Probably a vain hope but it's the best I can do.

11-17-2016, 06:06 PM
CNN = CLINTON News Network.

11-17-2016, 06:22 PM
FOX = Frustrated Old Xenophobes :D

11-17-2016, 06:34 PM
Now you just making shit up...

11-17-2016, 06:37 PM
I'm at a disadvantage ... there aren't many choices that start with an "X". ;)

11-17-2016, 06:38 PM
Oh brother.

11-17-2016, 10:02 PM
This is for Thump and BBP only as I know the rest of you folks would never risk it. Try BBC America for news. All the fair and balanced crap aside, their coverage is much more in depth and analytical. The rest of them are like watching People magazine, USA Today or some reality TV BS. Basically, McNews...

I watch BBC 'murica occasionally. Used to watch Al jizz, too. I flip between fox and CNN and figger something resembling truth may exist in the middle. Or not.

There's a huge difference between a commentator and a reporter. At least there used to be. Shame on us for not demanding better. Opinions are far too often are interpreted by dimwits as reporting. Though... ain't many reporters left. 'cept Geraldo. Not there's some journalistic integrity!

11-17-2016, 10:18 PM
This is for Thump and BBP only as I know the rest of you folks would never risk it. Try BBC America for news. All the fair and balanced crap aside, their coverage is much more in depth and analytical. The rest of them are like watching People magazine, USA Today or some reality TV BS. Basically, McNews...

CD.. I was in Canada for 30 days a couple years ago. Never saw a TV the entire time but listened to the radio some. Lots of the news I got was BBC. They covered U.S. news extensively and more "fairly" than I had heard in years..

11-18-2016, 10:30 AM

Come on guys, you all know a post like this needs pictures to illustrate the story.

Big Muddy
11-18-2016, 10:36 AM
You just gotta love that mouth....even better, if she was toofless. ;)

11-18-2016, 10:36 AM
I guess it takes a while to pump news all the way to NoDak ... that's an old pre-haircut pic!

Here's her "new" look.


11-18-2016, 10:42 AM
An overbite seems to be a minimum requirement for the blonde newsies on Fox.

Think that's on purpose?


11-18-2016, 10:44 AM
You'll have to ask Roger. The policy may have changed recently. ;)

11-18-2016, 05:50 PM
I'm aware of the haircut, just like the long hair more better.

Big Muddy
11-18-2016, 06:27 PM
Then, you'll like this one, Bwana. ;)


Big Skyz
11-18-2016, 11:12 PM
While my facial expression would be different that reminds of how I sit in a chair after eating a few to many burritos.