I'm just venting for a moment - because you guys could give a ratsass - and anywhere else I post it I'd piss off the neighbors. We have 60 that is a bit of an orphan but has a little bedding area on it the deer love. It is adjacent to about 400 acres of the best deer cover in two counties that is leased to hunt. The guys who have the lease call me regularly wanting to hunt ours.. We're talking 15 acres of timber. "Drives"are still allowed in Iowa so it's a bit of a problem finding a place where someone isn't walking up your butt.

and.. Little history. Before the "lease" I stocked a farm pond on that property and had pretty much exclusive permission to fish it. Of course with the lease - my permission went away. First time they called, I hinted at a "trade".. "Oh no", they said, "You know - liability and all." I just said, "Yep, same for you as for me. You hunt your side of the fence, I'll hunt mine."

So, son has his foot operated on. Can't walk. I go in about 2 weeks ago, spend a couple hours brushing in a blind I can drive right to - set up trail cams.. see lots of deer. Go up this morning to check trail cams.. look up and absolutely - directly - just on the other side of the fence - and *right on top* of the best deer crossing between fields sits a blind. We're talking 100 + yards.

I get on the phone, left a message told them we have an unsafe situation here.. Finally one of the guys gets back to me. No problem, he says - we're not hunting that this season.

Well that helps.. except that son of a bitch sticks out like dog turd on a pool table and the deer around here have gotten plumb smart to pop-up blinds. Biggest problem here is - I've been on a roll here lately. Every freaking thing I do seems to be a "fight".. tired of it. Oh well.

There - Thanks - that helped.