Since we border a state that allows deer to be hunted with dogs, I expect there'll be some big time arguing over this one here. I've never understood why people think it is morally wrong to hunt deer with dogs and yet will hunt all kinds of other game with them. So I have no ethical issues with it whatsoever.
Preference? I'd 'prefer' to hunt deer where dogs aren't used. It can be fun to listen to a good race and to try to get in front of dogs on a hot trail. But that's pretty uch sitting in a pickup drinking coffee and listening to the dogs and then racing to the known crossings. Personally I prefer to hunt from the ground or from a blind. Still hunting or creeping along like a big injun can be fun, but I've never found it to be too productive. But that's a preference. Using dogs to track wounded game sounds logical I guess. Losing animals to tough or bad shots though is part of the whole deal and it makes me think there'd be more cripples if people knew they could dog the animal if they didn't get a kill shot. I guess there's downsides to any decision.