Have a TV question.

Earlier this year when in Georgia at my son's house, bought him a small flat screen at Walmart so the grandson could watch cartoons. He didn't have one after the split up. Later, he goes broke and cancels his cable. The grandson has DVD's to watch, and we bought him a Wii, but that's it.

We have the grandson this week, alone........and will be headed to Georgia later this week. I will be there Monday when the Alabama/ND game is played.

I have tried to talk him through changing the input on the TV to "antenna" so he could at least get network TV. He says when he does that it says "No antenna detected". If I try to fix this when down there, there are two questions:

1) Do you reckon this newer TV has a built-in digital tuner so I don't need a converter box?

2) Regardless of whether converter box is needed, what do I do about an antenna? Apparently the TV expects some kind of physical antenna, based on that error message...... Can I still get rabbit ears at Best Buy or Radio Shack? Would they even work if I did? We're trying to get his house fixed up so he can sell it, so we don't want some permanent roof antenna thingy?
