I haven't been on much since moving to Seattle; so, I thought I would drop in and give an update. For those that don't know I took a Job with Microsoft in Seattle after working for Verizon for 17 years. It was really just time for a change. I moved in November and the family will move January 28th. So far I am really enjoying the area. I've been to Pike Place fish market (great seafood), done a couple of hikes with the dog and generally just kept busy.

First week I was here the dog tore the siding off the back of the Microsoft temporary house provided, so that was nice to deal with. I miss my friends and family a lot but am also making some friends here and its nice to experience different views. I really enjoy the job and the people I work with are very smart and great resources to learn from. One of my favorite things about this place is the knowledge I am gaining from my coworkers and the knowledge from being on the other side of buy vs sell.

All in all a great experience, but really ready for my family to join me.

I'll try and check in more often.
