Got this email, last night.....these scammers never cease to amaze me.....now, they're going after veterans and their friends......I blanked out the names to protect the innocent, but the COL. was a great military buddy of mine who passed away about a month ago.....I guess they're surfing the funeral home registries.

Dear -----,

In compliance with the law, I write to inform you that COL.------
left you money in his Trust.

In order to forestall wrongful and/or fraudulent claim and/or
payment,could you please confidentially confirm receipt of this mail
as well as indicate your expression of either your acceptance or
decline of the bequest.

Please note that COL.----- specifically requested that the bequest be
kept confidential.I, therefore, ask you to join me to ensure that his
wish in that regard is respected as any violation will automatically
invalidate your bequest.

Anthony Abraham, Esq.