We went out to Houston to MD Anderson this week for my three-month checkup.
I had a CT scan, some X-rays, a THREE HOUR (no shit) MRI, some blood tests, and I'm probably forgetting something.

Visited with several of my docs, who all said I was looking good.

Then we met with my oncologist last.
He said he had looked over all of the scans, and could find no traces whatsoever of tumor regrowth. Then he told us that he thinks it is time for us to stop the "post operative" chemotherapy! Di and I got so excited we nearly jumped for joy right there in the exam room. We've been praying pretty hard that this time would be the end of the chemo treatments. One reason is my kidneys and bone marrow have really taken a beating over the last year and a half, and are not very happy. He wrote the order for the infusion clinic to remove my port while we were in the exam room, and when we were done talking with him (and thanking him for saving my life)...we went down there and had that hose pulled outta my chest.

I still have to come back for checkups every three months, but no more chemo for me! That means that I should begin to heal up from last year's surgery faster now that the chemo won't be holding things back.

I'm having about a thousand emotions right now. Happy, excited, thankful, grateful, ......and all at the same time.

A great big THANKS to all of you all for sending out those prayers and "positive vibes". I am here to tell you that stuff works!!