Even though there was rain in the forecast I took my nephew out for the Indiana opener this morning. It wasn’t really raining but it was foggy and it was misting. Warm for this time of year though.

We jumped a small buck on our way to the stands and he saw a doe with a couple fawns but he wasn’t able to get a shot at the doe. I had a fawn and then a couple yearling bucks come by me, nothing worth shooting.

Then around 9:30 the rain started and eventually turned into thunderstorms, not very common for November in northern Indiana.

The rain lasted the rest of the day, so my wife decided it was time to put up the Christmas tree. We always go east for Thanksgiving and she wants the tree up by then.

My nephew is staying with us again tonight and we’ll be trying again tomorrow. Temps are supposed to be right around freezing with some snow. Hopefully without the 18MPH wind that we have now.

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