My letter to one of my US Senators. This shit is disgraceful.

Dear Senator Lankford, I am writing to express my feelings of disgust regarding your position on the shutdown of the US government. You seem to think that you have taken the high ground on an issue that has no high ground. All of the issues that both republicans and democrats are using to place their stake in the ground are things that all Americans should expect to he handled as a normal course of congressional business. It is what you are elected and paid to handle as part of governance.
Regardless of how you feel about any of these issues, none of them have the slightest to do with managing the fiscal business of our country. I won’t even mention the fact that this wouldn’t be necessary if the Congress had developed and produced an operating budget for the country as they are supposedly required to do constitutionally.
I am disgusted with all of you. At this point I wouldn’t vote for any of you for dog catcher. And what has happened in our federal government is also the reason our state has become an embarrassment. Get your stuff together, sir. All of you.


Barry Bruton