One of our researchers said he was getting pretty good results, using capsaisin on garden plots, as a non-chemical pest deterrent .....I got a sample of this Flash Bang stuff, and experimented with it on my own sweet corn.....the rabbits and squirrels had been giving my sweet corn fits, by gnawing down the stalks.

I figured 3.5 million Scoville units would do the trick.....I had a friend who loves hot stuff volunteer to test it for me.....I poured up a gallon of fresh clean water, and started with one drop of Flash Bang, at a time, until he told me he couldn't take it, any longer.

Three drops in a gallon of water is all he could stand.....so, I poured it into my garden sprayer, and applied it to my sweet corn, as a spray mist.....then, applied it around the perimeter of my plot.

It's been a week, now, and not a single stalk of corn has been damaged.....even the insect pests won't go near the plot.....seems to be working good, but I expect to have to apply more, as I don't know how rain-fast it is.

flash bang.jpg