Yeah, yeah, yeah ... bite me! Actually SHE'S the lucky one in this relationship! Heck, she has ME!

She'd kill me if she knew I posted a pic of her. She HATES cameras and will turn away and hide, or just run off if I try to take a pic of her. She's ALWAYS been like that, so pics are rare around here. Her mom says she's been that way all her life.

There's one from a while back that I really like and TBH, she looks the same today as she did then (to me anyway). We were in Hawaii for her brother's wedding and I had one shot left on the roll of film in my camera. We were getting ready to leave the hotel and head out for the day, so I wanted to start with a fresh roll of film. To use the last shot, I walked to the bathroom door where she was doing her hair (or whatever it is that wimmins do in there for an hour), said something to get her to look toward me ... then snapped the pic before she knew what was up. She about beat me to death with the ice bucket after that, but at least I got a shot of her and finished my roll of film! But ya' know what? As good looking as I am, she's dang lucky to have me!

Luv ya' baby!
