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Thread: Unbelievable .... (sorry, a major Thump post here)

  1. #1
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Mickey Mouseville, Florida

    Unbelievable .... (sorry, a major Thump post here)

    Lynn and I very seldom order pizza, but for some odd reason, we both thought pizza sounded good Saturday night. We'd been very busy all day. Lynn was pretty worn out and really didn't feel like cooking, so we both decided pizza was the way to go. We like Pizza Hut pizza, so she went on-line and ordered a large pepperoni to go. I went upstairs, slipped on some clothes and headed out to pick up our pizza. When I got there, the drive-thru was pretty busy, but there were just a few people waiting for pick-ups inside and the dining room was empty. Basically, they weren't very busy. I gave them my name and said I was there to pick up an on-line order. The gal looked around and told me it wasn't ready yet and it would be a few more minutes. I asked for some crushed red pepper, some parmesan cheese and some napkins. The gal threw some pepper and cheese packets into a bag, then started looking all over creation for some napkins. I pointed out a stack under the counter at the drive-thru window and she grabbed a few to add to the sack. Then I started the wait for my pizza to be completed. I stood there at the counter for another 15 minutes and finally asked what was taking so long with my pizza? The gal asked again what I'd ordered. (I was the ONLY one inside the store at this time!) I repeated I was picking up a large pepperoni. She asked if I had my receipt and I informed her she hadn't given me one. She then started digging trough a stack of receipts on the counter and couldn't find it. I "jokingly" told her she probably threw "me" in the trash and she actually started digging through the trash can. THERE ... SHE FOUND MY ORDER!! WTF?? She walked into the back, asked around, then returned to the front where she checked in the warming oven rack thingy they have there to keep orders warm. My frigging pizza had been in there the whole time! She apologized and said they've been real "busy". Ummm, yeah, ok. I returned home with our now hour old pizza and I'll admit it was pretty good, although not even close to being hot.

    Ok, yesterday, we were again super busy, came home and Lynn started deciding what she wanted to make for dinner. Problem was, she wasn't feeling all that well for some reason. I said something about how good the pizza was the night before and I'd like to have a Hawaiian pizza (ham and pineapple) for some crazy reason. She agreed that it did sound good. The weird thing is, we SELDOM eat pizza, especially TWO days in a row, but what the heck, why not?

    We just wrote the previous bad experience off as a "bad night" and again, Lynn went on-line to place the order while I headed out to pick up our pizza (Pizza Hut is only 2-miles from our house). I arrived, went inside and they could not find my order! Not my pizza ... the actual order! I showed them the on-line confirmation on my phone and they started digging around through some paperwork with a confused look on their faces. The gal finally put in a new order so I prepared for another long wait. At least I knew for sure it wasn't in the holding oven this time! Again, I asked for red pepper, parmesan and napkins. She threw some pepper packets into a bag and started looking for the cheese packets. She couldn't find them, so she asked another employee who told her they were "out" of parm and that he'd have to go "out back" to get some out of storage. I told them to forget it, I probably had some left-over at home from the previous night. THEN ... the gal starts looking around for some napkins! After quite a while of digging, she again asked a co-worker where the napkins might be. He said, "Oh, we're out of napkins, just give him some paper towels!!!" Again I said, "nevermind, I have paper towels at home."

    Ok, now I'm at the counter waiting for my pizza. As I'm standing there, I'm looking into the kitchen area and watching this black gal (I know, she could have been purple, or green, but she was black and I'm pointing it out for no particular reason) standing at her station making the pizzas. I noticed she had no gloves on and kept rubbing the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand as well as moving her hair out of her face. Then I watched the process. She'd grab a crust, smash it flat a bit, then she'd spread tomato sauce on the dough. Ok, now comes the fun part, she'd then scoop out some cheese (I assume the portions are measured) with a plastic scoop and sprinkle it around. Then she'd reach in each of the bins for the toppings and spread them out on the crust WITH HER BARE HANDS THAT SHE'D JUST USED TO WIPE THE SWEAT FROM HER BROW AND REARRANGE HER HAIR! I probably watched her make 3-4 pizzas when she f'd up. She spread out the dough, scooped the cheese out and spread it over the crust. THEN, realized she'd forgotten the tomato sauce. You guessed it, she picked up the crust, held it over the cheese bin and scraped the cheese off ... back into the bin! Again, with her bare hands!

    As I was watching all of this, I noticed the large trash can in the kitchen was full, yet they kept throwing garbage on top of the pile where it would simply fall out onto the floor! I just shook my head in amazement. Then I decided to take a pic since nobody was paying a bit of attention to me standing there waiting for my pizza. Here's the pic ... I can't imagine how much crap would be on the floor by the end of the night!


    The feet in the background is the gal making the pizzas. My lost order is probably one of those receipts lying on the floor in the foreground!

    Ok, it CAN'T get any worse, right? Oh yeah ... it gets "stupid worse!" My "Hawaiian" pizza is finally ready to go. The gal brings it to the counter and as I'm ready to walk out, I remember Lynn ALWAYS tells me to check it before leaving. I open the box, look inside and see a pizza with cheese and a few pieces of ham scattered around. I look up and nobody is at the counter, I wait ... and wait ... and finally holler for someone to come to the counter. Some dude walks up and asks if he can help me. I told him I didn't bring my cheaters in with me, so I may be a bit blind, but I see no pineapple. (I honestly thought MAYBE it was buried under the cheese and I just couldn't see it without my glasses). The guy looks at it and said, "Oh yeah, we're out of pineapple!" (I ain't a religious man, but I swear on a stack of Bibles it's true!!!) By this time, I was about to lose it. I asked, since I was standing at the counter waiting the whole time, did ANYONE ever think to ask me if I'd like to change my order??????? He then asks if I'd like them to make another pizza for me ... something besides a Hawaiian pizza of course! I slammed the lid shut and said, NO THANKS! Then as I was walking out the door with my "ham pizza", he asked if I'd like a FREE order of bread sticks! I didn't bother answering.

    THEN, I arrive home, Lynn opens the box and asks, "Where's the pineapple?"

    I'll end this here as there may be innocent kids reading this post.

    One thought popped into my mind as I was driving home ... THESE are the people the bleeding heart Liberals are demanding receive a $15/hr. minimum wage!
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    North Dakota
    OMG - no more pizza from that place! That is just plain TERRIBLE!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Unbelievable .... (sorry, a major Thump post here)


    1. Find a different Pizza Hut or a different pizza place altogether.

    2. Since Pizza Hut is a franchise, complain to the GM.

    3. Place a call to your local board of health. God only knows what else those hands had wiped.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  4. #4
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Two words: Pizza. Hut.

    Viva Renaldo!

  5. #5
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Agreed on the Pizza Hut thing. It was just "quick" and convenient and very close to home. Remember, we pretty much consider ourselves "foodies" and pizza for us is usually someplace with a wood fired pizza oven. We probably haven't been to a Pizza Hut in 10-15 years. This was just an odd weekend and we were too tired to make much of an effort.

    I went on-line to write a review and could not for the life of me, find a link. Yet there were a bazillion reviews on this particular store (I didn't check other Pizza Hut reviews) and they were 99.9% negative! How the "F" do they keep their franchise?

    I don't plan on dropping the issue and will make a formal complaint "someplace". It got past the point of ridiculousness with last night's experience.

    Today I'm too busy studying up on candidates for tomorrow's Republican Primaries. I know a few I'm definitely voting for, but am undecided on quite a few others.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    I think I threw up a little in my mouth reading about that cook wiping sweat and no gloves. That is down right gross.

    I had a similar incompetent experience at Walmart two weeks ago. They had an absolutely insane clearance price going on with their Weatherby Vanguard rifles. I walk up to the counter they have the rifle I want, but it's marked at the regular price. I ask them to scan it and walla the clearance prices shows up. So I tell them I'll take it. I fill out the 4473 on their little computer screen they use these days, and then, I have to go to another little electronic screen thingy to sign my name. It's similar to the screen you use for signing credit cards sans the swiping slot. Anyway I sign and it won't accept my name. So we start all over and try a second time. It took touching the OK button with the pen about 30 times before it took. (Not exaggerating). I actually gave up after about 10 tries and the clerk took the pen and just kept trying until it took. Then the fun began, all they had to do was go in the back and get the box and send me on my merry way. I have a CCW so they didn't need to call in the firearm so I figured that would save some time. Holy smokes you should've seen the crap show that ensued once they tried getting the correct box, and correct logging out procedures underway. It took them nearly 5 trips to the back room and three wrong boxes before they got it right. In frustration I ended up showing them how to read the end of the box and match it up with the model number, make, and caliber. Then I walked them through how to properly log out a firearm. While this was all going on they had to call an assistant store manager over to give final approval and walk me out of the store with the rifle. Anyway she quietly watched for about 15 minutes and then commented; "you know more about this than we do". Then asked me if I wanted a job. I'm not sure she was kidding. Long story short, a process that should have taken no more than 15-20 minutes went just shy of two hours. It's the longest gun buying transaction I have ever had in my life. If the price had not been so ridiculously low I would have walked out way before it got anywhere near an hour. However, the good news is I have the rifle, I paid peanuts on the dollar for it, and it's likely the one and only time I will ever buy a rifle from Walmart. The level of incompetency was absolutely mind staggering. The only person that even was remotely intelligent was the assistant manager. She was actually pretty good and equally as frustrated with the clerks (it took 3 clerks, 1 assistant manager, and a Gong Show to get the rifle transaction completed.) My brain hurts just reviewing this. It is no small wonder this country is in such trouble. If this is our non educated work force that wants that $15.00 an hour...

  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    When you live in a smaller town like I do, at most anywhere you eat in town,the restaurant is almost totally ran by teenagers. Sure they have managers, but they are the responsible 20 year olds. My kids all worked in fast food at some early point in their lives and the thought of it makes me shudder. I love ‘em, but their teenaged selves weren’t the most sanitary.

    Viva Renaldo!

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