I’m still a believer in what Nixon called the ‘Silent Majority’, only in this case I believe the majprity of Americans are the centrists in each party. Notice the number of right leaning but libertarian politicians. They don’t call themselves libertarians but as in most thing the ones that do , like Rand Paul, are full of shit. I also believe that the current nincompoop in chief was elected by not just the 30% of core Deplorables, but also by discouraged independents who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for hillary. And Bernie supporters were very bitter about the Democrap process and I think most of them crossed over.
There is a big bunch of voters waiting for a leader to emerge. Who that is, is apparently still up in the air. It ain’t Captain Bone Spurs. It ain’t Bernie Sanders. That leader may on the scene now but if he/she is, they are low profile.