We haven’t seen a real good old fashioned fascist since Mussolini. A real fascist would scare the panties off of present day alt righters. Duterte might be the only modern day example of how real fascism acts.

No, I don’t think the current nationalism, populism, whatever ism you want to call it is the rise of fascism in the US. Its just the rise of the mean and nasty side of our politics and our values. Its always been there, and we have had some mean and nasty crap going on throughout our history. And we veil it pretty thinly. We’re quite simply in love with ourselves and anyone who tries to point out our pimples and warts is just, well, un-American. Our hypocrisy knows no bounds.

A good, christian friend of mine just posted on FB last week a meme that basically said when we were kids growing up we stood up in school every morning and said the pledge of allegiance and nowadays schools can’t do that any more. Which was news to me, since every school I know of at least in Oklahoma and Arkansas still does the same routine every single morning to start their day. When I privately challenged him on it, he said ‘well it could happen’. He didn’t correct it and got several responses in sad, head shaking, agreement. When did this level of dishonesty become acceptable? Sure, its just a stupid meme.
As we grapple with problems caused by low moral character in our government my opinion is we’d best look first at our own damn values as well. As Pogo said, ‘we have met the enemy and they are us’.


Here was my friend’s exact meme.