Ok!!! I've made a decision ...

I sell a TON of kitchen knives on eBay. When I go to an estate sale, I pretty much follow a pattern and usually zip into the kitchen first, scan the room for "nice" knives (I jump all over any Cutco knives I run across, but will grab anything else I can make a buck on), then scan for vintage Pyrex, old Corning coffee percolators, etc, etc, then I'll boogie out to the garage before strolling through the rest of the house. I make a LOT of money selling quality kitchen knives.

Ok, so I check out Saks for kitchen knives. I found a little (5.5") Henckels prep knife for $49.99 .... cool, NO out of pocket expense! Of course it's a Pro Series, so I have no problem with it (I'll grab any I come across at estate sales). Note, the Pro Series is made in Germany and is the "good stuff". They have cheaper sets ... the Classic Series is made in Spain for example. They have some made in Japan also and then there's the run-of-the-mill crap I usually see in most kitchens, the International Series (made in China). But I digress ....

Here's my angle. I buy the little $49.99 knife with my "free" $50 credit, then sell it on eBay! Of course, it's full retail at Saks and the exact same knife (brand new) can be purchased all day long on The Bay for $29.99. Here's my idea. I get my free $50 knife from Saks and sell it on eBay for $30! It'll cost me another $10 for fees and postage, but I'll still pocket $20 profit with $0.00 cost to me! What the heck? It's a "free" $40/year straight into the ol' wallet. I'll take it!

Problem solved!
