I got into a discussion on this matter with a fellow cruise passenger I met and he blamed it on video games. His contention is that kids are being numbed to the realities of death (killing actually). I can see the possibility, but I grew up playing cowboys and Indians with cap pistols in my holsters and can't tell you how many neighborhood kids I "killed" who were "Indians"! AND, many times, those "dirty Redskins" killed ME with imaginary arrows shot from the stick and string they carried, THEN they'd scalp me with their rubber knives! We also played cops and robbers with the same results. I seriously doubt ANY of my childhood friends grew up to be murderers. Maybe today's video games are too graphic. (?) It seems to me that would actually show the devastation caused by shootings and maybe be a deterrent. Now you can "see" the blood and guts on your game console, whereas when I was a kid, all we did was grab our chest, holler "ya' got me ya' dirty varmint" and fell to the ground playing dead. I could see his side of the argument, but as I asked him, do you really think (and yes, I'm getting racial and profiling a bit here) that inner city blacks in Chicago and Mexican gang-bangers sit at home on their Sony PlayStation 4 Pro and their $2000 gaming system shooting innocents? I'm not sure I buy that. Then again, it seems these MASS shootings are usually white dudes who grew up in middle class homes and neighborhoods. Maybe they DID play video games during their young, formative days. I can see both sides of that argument, but again, I've never felt the need to kill any REAL Indians! It's a complicated mess. I guess I'll never understand why people do these things and just have to accept it as being "part of today's society".