That has been my sleep pattern all my life. I always considered 5 hours as "sleeping in". Even as a kid, I'd get frustrated on weekends or summer vacation because I'd be up and rarin' to go, but nobody else was up. Even in elementary school, I'd be up waiting for the newspaper to arrive (around 5:00-5:30 am) and read the whole paper before school. Weird, but we didn't have internet and video games, etc. back then. Heck, the ol' 2-channels black & white tv didn't come on until 6 am or so! If I ever took a nap during the day, I was totally FUBAR and knew I wouldn't sleep a wink that night. I finally hooked up with a new kid who'd just moved into the neighborhood. We were both 7-years old, had the same interests and the same sleep patterns. When we'd wake up at 3:00-4:00 am, we'd go fishing. (We MANY times "camped out" in my back yard) Our neighborhood in Orlando had three good fishing lakes all within a few blocks, so walking was no problem. He lived on one of those lakes, I was 1-block away from our favorite lake, and a block and a half away from that one was another lake.

It just so happens, he's the same buddy who hits the estate sales with me now. He has to leave his house around 5:30 am every estate sale day in order to get here to ride along. Friends for 60 years and we still get up before the roosters.

NOTE: There were some nights when I just couldn't sleep AT ALL! It can be a bit miserable. A few years back I did a sleep study and they put me on a CPAP due to a severe case of sleep apnea. (I now sleep about the same hours, maybe a little longer), but the sleep is QUALITY sleep. Plus, Lynn will no longer let me go to sleep without it since she doesn't have to put up with my snoring.