Lynn's brother has worked for Toyota all his working life and is an engineer for Lexus. About 5 years ago, I was riding around with him in his company car ... a hydrogen fuel cell car (forgot the name of it). That thing was cool! The only thing that came out of the exhaust was a few drops of water! I think they've been running those things around for 7-8 years now and I believe they were just introduced to the public in California this year (maybe last year?). TBH, I couldn't tell the difference from driving a gas car (he let me drive it). At that time, I believe he said he was getting close to 70 mpg. They couldn't release it until they got the infrastructure in place (fueling stations) around the state. I asked how his demo program worked and he said they have a huge lot of cars available and the engineers just walk out after work and pick whatever they want to drive. He said that hydrogen car was one of his favorites.