The family just returned home from the trauma center.....they had a lot of legalities to attend to because their son, Caleb, was a minor organ donor.....I'm not very good at dealing with these type situations, but I finally got the courage to visit with Caleb's dad and mom, and the entire family is absolutely in shock and devastated.....Caleb has a big family with two teenage sisters, grandparents, and aunts and uncles, as well.....and, all of them live at various locations out here on my farm, on land which I sold them, years couldn't ask for a better group of neighbors.....Caleb even fed Sandy for me, whenever we went out of town.
You GHer's don't know this family, at all, but if you can spare only a small moment, please send up a short thought or prayer for this family.....I'm really concerned about their emotional welfare.