Most of my fly fishing stuff goes on FB "pages".. "Warm Water Fly Fisherman" "Ultralight Bluegills" "Iowa Trout" etc., etc..

Actually, Jim.. I never, for the life of me, could figure why they would trap cats.. neuter/spay them then turn the damn things loose.. They did 50-some in Oakville after the flood and many were abandoned. Recently, I talked with a gal who is involved in the "trap/neuter" thing. She explained that removing cats from and area creates a "vacuum" and other cats just move in. Spayed cats don't attract toms. Neutered toms may still kill kittens that are born (ala normal cat behavior ((Go Cat - Go! ))) .. less fighting .. less smell.. Not sure I buy it all 100% - but at least I can see some reasoning behind it..