I had to look them up to see what you were talking about. I’d never heard them called anything but black flies. My closest encounter was a June fish camp at Lake Saganaga in the arrowhead part of Minnesota. The outfitter warned us about them and then sold us repellent along with stuff to put on after they bit you. I thought it was hilarious at the time and have kept both bottles since 1990 when we were there. As I found out that week of camping, once you figured out you’d been bit you’d already been had and in a bad way.

And here’s a ‘no shit’ stpry. We had a lot of rain that week and had to break camp with everything wet. When we got back to Oklahoma I set our tent up in the yard to dry out. One of those bastards flew out of that tent and bit me on the back of my calf. Made a knot like a marble, the fucker.

I hate those things. We have the ankle biters lurking in the bottom of the boat here but not the black flies.