Taking a couple of home office days this week so I can plan out the rest of this quarter and get a jump on the next one, and just realized how busy my Summer is going to be.
It’s already been a fast year… rolled out of hunting deer, straight to a few weekends of work parties at the hunt club. That ate up most weekends in January and February. I did see Mr Cappy some time in February although I can’t remember which one. March rolled in warm and wet…so yard and landscape stuff reigned supreme.
The 1st of April my FIL was diagnosed with stage IV Mesothelioma. For those of you that don’t know… it’s from Asbestos exposure. He has been around the trades his entire life. That stopped everyone in their tracks for the better part of April. I made 4 trips in 3 weeks to Northern Virginia to be at Dr’s appointments, etc. BLINK – It’s now May. May arrived in an unusual fashion, with 90 degree days and barely ANY rain. 1st weekend of May I caught up with a few ne’er-do-wells in Bath County. We basically fished and almost starved to death. After that weekend the next 3 were tied up in opening the pool, going to Lake Gaston to visit friends, and installing a French drain that I’ve needed for 4 years. Oh - and FISHING. OH, and a concert! Bob Seger is awesome!
All that brings us to today. 149 days down, 216 left before we hit 2020.
June and July I’ll hit my stride with only TWO weekends out of 9 with something not planned to either go and do, or go and see. June will be fun, I will be teaching my 15 year old to drive, and taking my oldest to Nagshead for a weekend for his 21st bday… and then going to England in July!
I said all that to say, “can anyone come over and cut my grass every weekend?” I’m too busy to do it.
And there you have it. My year in review.

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