Well, it seems Iran just shot down one of our drone's over International waters. All the brass in D.C. are now banging their heads together to decide what to do about it. But the goofy thing is, I was watching FOX News while eating my sammich for lunch and they're all over the story. First, they show a clip of President Trump making a statement.

The President said, "... it made a big, big difference that the drone had nobody in it."
Ok, first of all, if the aircraft had "somebody in it", it wouldn't be a drone! But, you can take that statement to mean that if it had been a manned aircraft, it would be a whole 'nuther ballgame. Knowing Trump and his grasp on the English language, it's hard to know what he really meant.

BUT ... then the "girls" of FOX News take the statement and run with it! They start yammering about what may have happened if an American serviceman (or woman) had been piloting that drone. Or if that drone had people in it, things would be quite a bit more serious, etc, etc, etc. Yammer, yammer, yammer ....

Listen shit for brains ... all o'youse "news people" ... if a drone were manned, it wouldn't be a frigging drone!

Definition: Drone - an unpiloted aircraft. Another term for it is an "unmanned aerial vehicle," or UAV.