Hmmm, yep, that would be a slight bit S.E. of where we are. At least I suppose it would be there. Most of the lakes down here are "connected" and basically form a "chain of lakes". This one drains into Lake Parker a bit east of us. That narrow canal has a very small public boat ramp on it. It's a narrow canal and the ramp hits it at 90-degrees, so only small boats can be launched there and it's the only public access to this lake. The canal is not navigable past that ramp, so boats can't navigate onto this lake from other lakes on the chain. I assume that would be considered the "drainage". To keep things simple (plus the fact we'll have no boat), I just figured we'd drop some stink bait in the cove and see what happens. That way, when Lynn needs a potty break (prolly about every 30-40 mins) she can just run up to the house and drop trou.

Just a trial run to see how serious she REALLY is about wanting to go fishing. Once a coupl'a skeeters get past the OFF and she gets hot (it's after 7:00 pm and still 88-degrees here), I doubt we'll be out for long.