Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
A lot of those on welfare will either starve or steal before they'd work.
bears repeating.... I've been a "root hog or die" advocate all my life. My parents told me I could have anything *I* could afford.. I had some neat toys as a kid.. and I bought, paid for, kept the insurance on, put gas in.. all of them that required it. I was "given" a roof over my head and pretty much all I could eat (as long as I did my hour and a half of chores morning and night). When "welfare" comes up - I immediately think of the family a few miles from me.. who are now in the 5th (hell I don't know - maybe 6th by now) generation of welfare.. I look at the all the "programs" out there now (too much credit card debt.. we'll get you out of it - in too deep into your house - we'll get you out of it - too much in college loans - we'll get you out of it).. and I wonder. I have 0 credit card debt.. don't owe anyone one dime.. I paid for my house.. I paid my college loan.. So my question, once again is.. Where is the reward for having done it "right"?"

and by the way, Jim.. I totally agree with most all your "solutions".. "Can't" do it.. but I like it..