Lynn and I spent a few days in Ft. Myers a couple weeks ago and spent a couple days hitting the Thrift Stores in the area. It's one of our favorite areas for "thrifting". We try to head down that way every few months for a few relaxing days. We love the area and the thrift stores are killer. (rich people dump cool stuff!)

Anyway, I'm just now getting around to going through all the crap I dragged home and I've got some real treasures that should bring some pretty decent cash. I totaled up $83 spent and after evaluating what I have here, I should be able to get close to $1000 for this crap. (a little better than I originally predicted)

I did pick up one item I think might fit in here. I don't normally buy this sort of stuff, but just couldn't resist. It's not a huge money-maker (they're selling for $50-$60 in this condition), but I wasn't going to leave it there. Heck, I'd be willing to bet it was only used once and put away. Everybody's gone to propane these days, but this thing sure brings back memories of about a bazillion camping trips I've done in the past. In fact, I'm 99% sure my old Coleman is still out in the garage someplace ... probably wherever my old 2-burner stove is stashed. Anyway, this was priced at $6.99 at a Goodwill Store, but it was 1/2-price day, so I walked out with it for $3.50. Heck, it even has a bag of replacement mantles with it. It's in pretty decent shape considering it's dated April 1983.

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