commercial the other day that shows just how far human values have fallen in just my lifetime. It started out with a person taking files out of a filing cabinet and talking about all the thousands cases of child abuse that had taken place with children who were scouts. I thought it was one of those crime stopper commercials then it switched to one of these asswipe lawyers saying if you or your child have been sexually abused while in the scouts you may be eligible for considerable compensation. They left out the part about ridding society of a sexual predator or justice being served by putting the culprit in prison so he can see how it feels to get ass raped or forced to give blow jobs. Or maybe giving dear old dad five minutes with the pervert. They certainly left out the part about the law firm taking 40-50% right off the top and all the expenses coming out of your part. Words can't explain the disgust and anger this causes for me. I have a fierce desire to leave bootprints on the ass end of these sleazy parasites

Okay, deep breath. End of rant