Can''t remember the last time I read a book, I do like the newspaper in the morning, and a few articles in mags, but have never gotten into books. ( unlike my wife, who has her face buried in one daily)
I guess my main reading is on sties like these, short subjects from each member, then answers.
To be very honest with you Thump, I very seldom bother reading your posts, other than maybe the first few lines to get an idea what you're talking about.
Went through 6 years of college, BS & MA and honestly never read the text books
I, scanned the first few sentences, then move onto the last few and miss all the junk filler between. I made it through by being a very detailed note taker during the lecture, seemed I remembered the stuff more by writing it down, vs reading it.
Didn't take long to realize the prof, made up his tests from lecture material vs. the book he wrote that the school required you to buy for a dollar a page.
Taught 7 years in the class room without ever reading the textbook I used. Would scan the subject of the lesson, then teach from experience.
If I have a free moment it's used to scan Al Gores invention, gives me all the reading material I'll ever need.