
I'm not sure at all that my reading tastes even qualify as real reading. I mean I have books that I have read a dozen times. I'll finish them, let them lie for a year or two, and then go right back and read them. Same with movies. I guess it is because I really like the place or situation that the book/movie takes me to. For example I have read "Child of Storm" and "King Solomon's Mines" each at least 6 times. As far as new reading goes it is hit or miss. My wife got me a few new westerns from some guy I had never heard last week. I'm working my way through one of them now. Not bad.

OTOH I guess I just don't want to waste time on a book I won't end up liking that much. I tried a new western author a few years ago and there was this big fight in the middle of the book where this gent must have killed 50 people. I was so disgusted that I had wasted my time on this drivel that I never bothered to pick it up again.
