I have been an avid reader since I was a little kid. And my reading interests have always been about as varied as my music interests, which kind of makes sense I guess.
The first novels I can remember devouring was everything written by Zane Grey. I had to hide them as my parents thought reading was a waste of time, unless it involved the Bible or Sunday School lessons. And, oh my gosh, Grey’s novels were in PAPERBACK and had words like ‘d—-‘ (literally printed just like that). That made me love them even more. I graduated to Louis Lamour and in junior high got into sci fi and read everythingI could get my hands on by Heinlein, Asimov, Orson Scott Card, and all the rest.
And it has continued my whole adult life ranging from The Magister Ludi amd Siddhartha to the Hannibal Lecter crime novels. Throw in pulp fiction like the nautical novels of Obrien, Forrester, and Alexander Kent.
It all started unravelling when I started reading, and loving, pretty much exclusively non-fiction history books in my late 50’s. Books about everything from food to the history of humanity.
Nowadays, I can hardly finish a book. They just don’t grab and keep my attention like books used to. The only exception to that are John Medina’s books about the brain, but that’s pretty rare.
Crazy how that has worked out because I miss reading. But my ADD must kick in or something.

Or I’m just getting old.