It looks like we'll make the funeral after all. The funeral is in Tampa on Thursday, so we'll just alter our route to Ft. Meyers (where we'll be spending our beach time). Viewing is at 11:00 and graveside at 1:00, so we'll just head south from there after the graveside service. From there on out, it'll be (MUCH needed) rest and relaxation until Monday! It's been a rough couple of weeks.

Deppity, thanks for offering the suggestion that mom may have been referring to Mother Mary. I've relayed your possible explanation to the family and ALL have accepted the belief that Mary was with mom that morning. (NOBODY could recall any other Mary in mom's life or circle of friends) I think it brought a level of comfort to the family. I'm just sorry I was the only witness to the "visit" as it would have been nice to have other family members there at the time.