
It might be age and maturity, who knows? For me, the realization was that what triggers me most is some asshole always telling me I’m wrong for what I believe. When I thought about it, it was the same thing I was doing! Then I just applied the Golden Rule: treat other folks the way you want them to treat you.
That doesn’t mean I can’t state what I think is right. But it does mean that if that’s different than what someone else is believing I have no right to tell them they’re wrong. Nor am I going to go to any great lengths to show some thick headed, redneck, conservative deplorable that I am right. Cause they ain’t gonna change their mind any more than I am. So its kind of like pissing in the wind.
And yes, I’m still hard headed.

But Muddy is right. And to think I learned this from the folks on Goodhunting!