“It could go either way!"

No, it can only go one way for the US. Badly.

There is a difference from when Clinton was impeached and not convicted and what we have here. There was a specific subset of people who had been intentionally sacrificed at the alter of free trade, mass immigration, offshoring, etc. They ~finally~ got someone who claimed to agree with their cause and, not coincidentally, promised to burn the joint down around the ears of those who had been hurting them for so long. Since the election they have been ridiculed, insulted, and now they are being disenfranchised in the name of righteous government by some of the most corrupt individuals on the planet.

No this is headed only one way and it ain't a good way. We need some adults in the room to bus all of these senile, graft addled, money hungry sociopaths off to the old politicians home where they belong.


PS: The bus would be bi-partisan.