I'm seeing a disturbing trend with these no talent hacks calling themselves country singers remaking a classic and dubbing in the original artist to make it a duet of sorts. Just heard some clown doing Big Iron by Marty Robbins and I like to had to pull over and puke. It's bad enough that county music is pretty much gone to crap without them pulling down real music in the process. If you can't sell your own voice then you need to go on back to the farm.

Next, Walmart. I ordinarily avoid Walmart like a mad-dog but occasionally necessity demands that I peruse their establishment. They carry everything except what you need. For instance, did they have 100% unsweetened grapefruit juice this morning? No. Did they have a switch for a lamp I needed? No. Did they have a dietary supplement I wanted? No. Did they have a box of 30-30 150 grain Corelokts? No, but they had 170 grain. WHO ON EARTH SHOOTS A 170 GRAIN BULLET? 150 Corelokt is only the most popular bullet on earth and they don't have any?

Lastly, this group here is a very unique bunch. I ate breakfast in a little cafe, went to a farm supply store, and Walmart. Without a single exception, every ugly man I saw today had a butt ugly wife. All of youse dufes is fugly as a mud fence but as far as I can see, all of you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outkicked your coverage. Me in particular. I figure that if only one of us can be good looking, I'd rather it was her