Quote Originally Posted by Arty View Post
OK Boomer. You do know that cornhole is like the biggest redneck outdoor game of all time, right?
Ummmm, Yankee rednecks?

The Modern History of Cornhole

The modern game of cornhole was probably spread after an article on how to make the boards was published in Popular Mechanics magazine in September 1974. The game was initially a huge hit in Chicago, Illinois, and the Northwest region of Indiana from the late 1970s to the early 1980s.

Cincinnati is also where the game is known to have picked up and that’s where the modern resurgence of the game kicked off. So Cincinnati might not have created cornhole but they might be the place most responsible for its popularity today.

Eventually the popularity of the sport exploded across the US and its presence became popular at tailgate events throughout the Midwest and all across the US. In 2011 the New York Times even wrote that the game was ‘’sweeping the Northeast.’’