I've got a pretty good working knowledge about the Spanish Lady and I'm not convinced that it would have been nearly as lethal if not under under wartime conditions. We lost 8% of the American population primarily young adults due to the fact that they were crammed into over crowded barracks and battle ships. Add to the fact that every doctor and nurse (retired or other wise) was conscripted into service and you had medical students with less than a semester of training operating the hospitals, then you've got a recipe for disaster. Then we had a president (Wilson) and a hand picked Surgeon General that never admitted that we had an epidemic, just the plain old flu they said. Money, Supplies and medical personnel were dedicated 100% to the war effort. Fatigue from battle and training along with a shortage of food and supplies created a perfect storm. Experts estimate that 40 to 200 million people died worldwide from the Spanish Flu but it would have been much less catastrophic under normal conditions. It was very deadly but, our government played a large role in the American causalities.

Wilson was pushed into WW1 but one thing you can say, he was in it to win win it.

If I die of the Cronosvirus then you can mock me for being wrong