to come to the aid of their country by staying home

When the Coronavirus first peeked out I kind of dismissed it as irrelevant. But to an honest man, numbers don't lie. Unless they come from China but that's a different discussion. What I'm trying to say is this, boredom has caused irresponsible people to fill up the stores more and more each day. It appears that America has lost it's fear of the beast and the beast is liable to run rampant because of this.

Now is probably the most dangerous period since Covid-19 invaded our shores so my Goodhunting brothers, do your family, your neighbors, your coworkers and yourself a favor and treat this situation with respect. Any hunter of dangerous game will tell you that the one you don't fear is the one that gets you.

BTW, I see where John Prine who I know several of you like his music, is intubated and in critical condition with Covid-19.

Take care my friends