Pooh Poohing those who disagree with you is a silly method of arguing. Fauci is great at what he does. Economics and Freedom and Rights is not what he does. He does what he does because Trump does NOT do what he does, so he hired Fauci.

Buncha talk.

Here's what I don't get. IF you tested every person in America tomorrow........now think on this........every one..........what would you know? You would know how many people have it, and how many do not. You also know how many have died (Maybe.......turns out they're counting heart attacks too, in places. Just nuts). So, you would know what?

You would know the death rate TODAY, and the INFECTION rate today. That's it. The death RATE would decrease because the denominator went way up. But everyone that's negative, could easily be positive tomorrow. Or next week. So how do you combat that potential error? You'd have to test every negative, EVERY DAY.

THAT is what is wrong with the concept of ubiquitous testing.

Me? I wanna know if I've had it. I want the serology test that says "Yep, you had it, you lived, and now you're immune".